Saturday, October 21, 2006

Healing Leaves

Welcome to my blog! I hope to get a chance to write here often and to share some pictures. My life is a busy one so we'll see how often I can. I started my blog a month ago and am now just finding time to write the first post!

In August I read the verse Rev 22:2 that talks about the leaves are for healing. I have come to appreciate it and done a little study about leaves. The Bible says they are for healing and God created them so they must be for good (and for my goats, which like to eat them!) We had three of our goats die in less than a year and the last one we brought to the University to have an autopsy done and found out she died from liver flukes. In my research to find out how to help control the worm overload in our animals I read how in poor countries where they can't get the meds for it they bring branches of trees with the leaves for the goats. The
article said that the tannins in the leaves make it so the liver flukes don't want to stay in the animal.
Though I still use the meds for de-worming our goats I have also started to cut down branches from the trees around us to add to their diet as often as I can.
When I first read this verse I wasn't thinking about my goats, I was curious as to what the leaves would represent in our lives. The leaves on the tree in Revelation are on the tree of life. Jesus is the tree of life and we must get our nourishment from Him. I'm not sure what all the leaves might represent, but His promises in the Bible and His commandments are for us to live by and chew on and digest, just as our goats digest the actual leaves I've been challenged to chew and digest His promises to us. I hope that you will "chew" on some of God's promises for you!


At October 23, 2006 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't cool how God used leaves with you goats and leaves with your spritiual research! He's so Clever! I'll keep checking for your words of wisdom, it was like a little daily devotion!

At September 17, 2008 12:07 AM, Blogger FarmSchooler said...

I very much appreciated your goat wisdom also. Im buying 6 LaManchas in milk this next month. Can hardly wait (waiting on new pasture to be fenced - ALWAYS fence) Looking forward to hearing more.


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